Our Research

The Saeed Lab develops machine-learning models, combined with high-performance computing, and data science approaches, to study the functional genomics and organization of the human brain.

Our work focuses on understanding the stochastic difference between identified peptides from high-throughput mass spectrometry data for applications related to human health, disease, and environment. In addition, our work focuses on understanding brain function in the context of prediction, diagnosis and characterization of biomarkers specific to disorders such as epilepsy, ADHD, Autism, and Alzheimer’s. Improved computational methods may impact detection of novel biomarkers and non-abundant proteins, and better diagnosis/prediction outcomes for the patients.

To achieve these goals, we embrace open science principles and adopt and develop best practices to promote reproducible computational results. If you would like to know more about specific projects, you are welcome to visit us on GitHub and Software pages.

Current Projects (Active Data Curation)

Reference EEG Benchmark for Prediction of Epileptic Seizures
Current Projects (Active Method Development)

Machine-learning models that can classify between autistic and neurotypical brains
Development of interconnected set of open-source machine-learning tools for mass spectrometry based omics
Advance machine-learning models for prediction of Seizures using EEG data
Design and development of high-performance computing algorithms for large-scale MS omics data using hetregenous architectures
Completed Projects

Development of methods that can operate on compressed big data