LBE: A Computational Load Balancing Algorithm for Speeding up Parallel Peptide Search in Mass-Spectrometry based Proteomics
Muhammad; Afzali,
Fatima; Saeed,
Fahad; ,
The most commonly employed method for peptide identification in mass-spectrometry based proteomics involves comparing experimentally obtained tandem MS/MS spectra against a set of theoretical MS/MS spectra. The theoretical MS/MS spectra data are predicted using protein sequence database. Most state-of-the-art peptide search algorithms index theoretical spectra data to quickly filter-in the relevant (similar) indexed spectra when searching an experimental MS/MS spectrum. Data filtration substantially reduces the required number of computationally expensive spectrum-to-spectrum comparison operations. However, the number of predicted (and indexed) theoretical spectra grows exponentially with increase in post-translational modifications creating a memory and I/O bottleneck. In this paper, we present a parallel algorithm, called LBE, for efficient partitioning of theoretical spectra data on a distributed …