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GPU-acceleration of the distributed-memory database peptide search of mass spectrometry data

Haseeb, Muhammad; Saeed, Fahad; , Nature Publishing Group UK London Scientific Reports 13 :18713 (2023).


Database peptide search is the primary computational technique for identifying peptides from the mass spectrometry (MS) data. Graphical Processing Units (GPU) computing is now ubiquitous in the current-generation of high-performance computing (HPC) systems, yet its application in the database peptide search domain remains limited. Part of the reason is the use of sub-optimal algorithms in the existing GPU-accelerated methods resulting in significantly inefficient hardware utilization. In this paper, we design and implement a new-age CPU-GPU HPC framework, called GiCOPS, for efficient and complete GPU-acceleration of the modern database peptide search algorithms on supercomputers. Our experimentation shows that the GiCOPS exhibits between 1.2 to 5 speed improvement over its CPU-only predecessor, HiCOPS, and over 10 improvement over several existing GPU-based database search …