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Efficient shared peak counting in database peptide search using compact data structure for fragment-ion index

Haseeb, Muhammad; Saeed, Fahad; , IEEE 2019 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) :275-278 (2019).


Database search is the most commonly employed method for identification of peptides from MS/MS spectra data. The search involves comparing experimentally obtained MS/MS spectra against a set of theoretical spectra predicted from a protein sequence database. One of the most commonly employed similarity metrics for spectral comparison is the shared-peak count between a pair of MS/MS spectra. Most modern methods index all generated fragment-ion data from theoretical spectra to speed up the shared peak count computations between a given experimental spectrum and all theoretical spectra. However, the bottleneck for this method is the gigantic memory footprint of fragment-ion index that leads to non-scalable solutions. In this paper, we present a novel data structure, called Compact Fragment-Ion Index Representation (CFIR), that efficiently compresses highly redundant ion-mass information in the data …