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Confounding Effects on the Performance of Machine Learning Analysis of Static Functional Connectivity Computed from rs-fMRI Multi-site Data

Artiles, Oswaldo; Al Masry, Zeina; Saeed, Fahad; , Springer US New York Neuroinformatics 21 :651-668 (2023).


Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI) is a non-invasive imaging technique widely used in neuroscience to understand the functional connectivity of the human brain. While rs-fMRI multi-site data can help to understand the inner working of the brain, the data acquisition and processing of this data has many challenges. One of the challenges is the variability of the data associated with different acquisitions sites, and different MRI machines vendors. Other factors such as population heterogeneity among different sites, with variables such as age and gender of the subjects, must also be considered. Given that most of the machine-learning models are developed using these rs-fMRI multi-site data sets, the intrinsic confounding effects can adversely affect the generalizability and reliability of these computational methods, as well as the imposition of upper limits on the classification scores. This …