01 Dec 2024
by Fahad

NIH is one of the large funding bodies for biomedical research in the world. The grants that Professors get from the NIH are also one of the most pretigous, and competitive.

NIH R01 is one of the most common NIH funding mechanism that is employed for fundings labs and Principal Investigators (PI). However, there are more than 250 grant funding mechanism that are employed by the NIH ! Needless to say that I do not understand all of them, and therefore this blog series.

In this multipart series we will be covering what NIH funding mechanisms and how they are simlar and different from each other. This is the first part of that series and is geared towards Research and Development grants (hereafter: R&D grants).

So let us first iterate how many different R&D grants that are available through NIH funding mechanisms? Filtering for the list that was generated earlier, the number of grants that have “Research and Development” (hereafter: R&D) in their description of “Funding Category” is equal to 76. Yes there are 76 different kind of R&D grants that you can apply to.

These can be broadly categrozied into following with the brackets in front listing the subcategories.

  1. DP [1,2,3,4]
  2. G [07,08,11,13]
  3. I [01,90]
  4. P [01,20,2C,30,40,41,42,50,51,60,L1,M1,N1,N2]
  5. R [00,01,03,13,15,16,18,21,24,28,2F,30,33,34,35,37,50,55,56,61,C1,C2,C3,C4,F1,L1,L2,M1,S1]
  6. S [06,07,10,11,15,21C1,C2,C3,I2]
  7. U [01,13,19,2F,34,3R,A5,F1,G3,H2,H3,M1,M2]

Needless to say that these are alot of categrories. We will be exploring each of the subcategory in the coming weeks and try to make sense on which of the categories is useful for what kind of project and what are the strengths and limitation of each of the subsets.